Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ella Louise is 10 Months Old!

I'm a big girl now! As you can see in my picture, I now stand up all the time, but only while leaning against something sturdy. I am a master crawler on my hands and knees and I especially like to test my Mama's attention by making a beeline for the stairs! I have six teeth, still only two on the bottom, but all four front teeth on the top. I can clap my hands together and wave hello or goodbye. I also love to point at everything, especially all of the artwork on our walls at home. I really love my Auntie Monique's painting entitled "Poppy Fields", probably because I see a lot of wild poppies outside right now. My Mama and Daddy think they have a budding scientist on their hands because I love nature, especially putting flower heads and leaves in my mouth! That's all for now...until next time! Ciao!

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