Monday, March 19, 2007

Ella hanging out at the gym.

Video of Ella

Check out this cute video of Ella doing the Macarena. She's wearing those cool glasses because she had her eyes dilated at the doctor's office that day. We didn't think she would wear them, but she didn't seem to mind! You can also view other pics and videos at this site.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ella is 8 Months Old!

Ehhhhh, what's up Doc? I am getting very big! I love to gnaw on carrots. I was sleeping through the night, but just recently I started to wake up again. I think it is because my third tooth is coming down! It is on the top in the front. I am moving around a lot more by dragging myself on my belly or scooting forward on my bottom. Arrivederci!
Makin' Mischief!

Flower Power!