Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jack McKown!

The Birthday Boy and Ella
I did not take any of these pictures, but I just had to share them with you all since they are so adorable! Enjoy!

A rare moment of calm between the two. Aren't they a cute couple when they're not bickering over the same toy or adult attention?

Ahh, check out the adoration in Ella's eyes! Meanwhile, Jack is oblivious; typical guy!

This is classic Ella and Jack behavior! As you can see, Ella has clearly crossed over into Jack's personal space while trying to see/grab his new toy and he will have none of that, thank you very much! Poor Matt just looks on in wonder at the "sibling" rivalry.

Technically, Jack's birthday is today, but we celebrated it on Saturday with a Super Hero theme party. Here you can see the crowd of girls watching as Jack opened his presents. Just to clarify, this was like a junior high dance and all of the boys were on the other side of the room!

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