Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blog Makeover!!!

Buon giorno, tutti! As you may have noticed, there are a few new features on our blog, including the Blogarithm tool which you can use to be notified via email when our blog is updated, my favorites list through Amazon, and a list of post labels so you can view all posts related to a certain label, e.g. holidays, Ella, friends, etc. I am currently working on adding a slideshow of our pictures that will run continuously. More to come!

Unfortunately I will not have as much time to idle away on the computer everyday since I will start working as a teacher's aide in a Sure Start classroom this coming Monday through the end of the school year. Ella will be watched by our Italian neighbor and friend, Pina, so I know she'll be in good hands while I am gone. This was a tough decision to make, since I have been out of the work force for nearly two years while staying home to raise Ella, but it feels like it's time to get back out there.

We hope you enjoy the new look of the blog. Please continue to check in with us!



Coleen said...

Love the new makeover!
Congrats on your new job.
Miss you.

Maryellen Pienta said...

It looks GREAT! How did you do that with the photo of Etna?