Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Visit from Grandpa Tim!!

Supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious! My Grandpa Tim is here in Sicilia with us for two whole weeks! We've been taking him to all of our favorite Sicilian hotspots, but I know his favorite thing so far has been watching Mary Poppins with me at least two times a day!! It's my latest obsession.
Picture Perfect View from the Greek Theatre in Taormina taken by Grandpa

"Oh, how you flatter me, Grandpa! I know I AM your favorite grandchild and all, but come on!"

To view more pics taken by Grandpa Tim on his Sicilian adventures, check out our Dropshots page at . Ciao!

1 comment:

Maryellen Pienta said...

That's cute! Alison used to watch the Winnie the Poo movie video over and over and over and over at that age. We ALL knew the words to every song!